Green Energy
Fabulous Oppression

Debbie Schlussel via Dhimmi Watch:
Check it Out--They Eat At McDonald's (Halal), So They're Just Like Us. And, Oh, Yeah, "Death to America. Death to Israel. Allah Hu Akbar."
And now for the latest edition of "Reading Women's Mags So You Don't Have To--See What Your Wives/Daughters/Girlfriends Are Reading".
Death To Russia! h/t Her Royal Whyness "Death to Russia" "Minister of Slogans" shouts "Death to America...Israel... England", crowd shouts back "Death to Russia"! Global Voices, Hamid Tehrani: Traditionally at Friday Prayer, people are encouraged to chant...
Jihad Watch Heads Up
Jihad Watch and Dhimmi Watch combining In October 2003 I started not one, but two daily weblogs: Jihad Watch and Dhimmi Watch. The rough idea at the outset was to report on violent jihad activity at Jihad Watch, and at manifestations of dhimmitude by...
Debbie Schlussel Strikes Back
Debbie Schlussel constantly gets hate-mail from the devout followers of the Religion of Peace™ threatening her and her family with death, rape and torture. This is what we are up against and this is how to deal with it. And it MUST be dealt with in...
How To Have Al Qaeda Become Protector Of Sunnis In Iraq
Iran deploys women's death squad against Sunnis in Iraq GERTZ..... Iran is financing and directing new ways to drive Sunnis from their homes in Iraq. One of these is the organization of a Shi'ite women's death squad. The women wear traditional...
Colorado's Attorney General Makes A Fool Of Himself
John Suthers, attorney general for Colorado, went to Saudi Arabia recently to assure the dictatorship there that Homaidan al-Turki, the Saudi student convicted for raping and enslaving his Indonesian maid, was being treated fairly (via Dhimmi Watch)....
Green Energy