Green Energy

(click cartoon to view larger size)Cartoon: Cox and Forkum
Victor Davis Hanson points out our limited options, and why, despite the temptations, a "pre-emptive" attack on Iran is highly unlikely in the near future.
Thomas the Wraith has more.
(revised 1/13/05)
"few Citizens Of The Global Roman Empire Even Knew Of Their Illustrious Ancestors Like Scipio Or Cicero. Millions No Longer Spoke Latin. Italian Emperors Were A Rarity. There Were No National Elections. Yet Rome Endured As A Global Power For Three More Centuries. What Held It Together?”
Victor Davis Hanson on America todayREAD...
In Which Epa Makes A Snarky Book Recommendation - The 1st Victor Davis Hanson Novel
Review“Like Victor Davis Hanson, I have a fondness for the much-abused ancient Greek Thebans, and I entirely share his glowing admiration for Epaminondas of Thebes, Sparta’s nemesis and the supreme philosopher-general of all antiquity. In The End...
The Muslim Day Of Rage
Wah!!! Click on cartoon to enlarge. Thanks to Mrs. Pastorius The Everhot for photoshopping this R. Crumb cartoon for us....
Infidel Hunk Of The Week
OK, here's a man I definitely think qualifies as a hunk. And a devoted Infidel Hunk at that. We read his words, whether in his books or in his columns, and many end up quoting him as well. I know I have. Compared to the pic of the Babes of the Week,...
Footprint Muhammad
I posted my last cartoon of the evening: Footprint Muhammad. I particularly like this one. It's a cartoon and an easy way to remember the first four caliphs....
Green Energy