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FBI Director: Al Qaeda-Linked Somali Group Could Attack U.S. In Near Future
The Last Crusade:
Your Taxi Driver Might Be A Terrorist!!!

Somali Americans Become National Security Problem!!!

Paul L. Williams, Ph.D.
A group affiliated with al Qaeda could strike the United States in the near future.
That’s grim assessment of FBI Director Robert Mueller, who spoke this week at a meeting of the Senate Homeland Security Committee.
Mueller’s remarks represent the first time a senior law enforcement or intelligence official has stated on the record that the al-Shabaab, a Muslim terrorist group with ties to al Qaeda, is no longer content to strike within the East African nation of Somalia.
During a hearing, Director Robert Mueller was asked if members of al-Shabaab, which translates as “mujahadeen youth,” would send American recruits back to the U.S. to launch attacks.
“I would think that we have seen some information that the leaders would like to undertake operations outside of Somalia,” Mueller told the Committee.
Mueller said he is “absolutely” concerned that hundreds of Somalis, who have become naturalized American citizens, will return to their homeland for terrorist training in order to launch attacks on U.S. Soil.
A U.S. counterterrorism official confirmed to FOX News and other press officials that al-Shabaab has exploded since 2006, and has become a full-fledged Al Qaeda affiliate.
Initially, the official said, al Shabaab fought against the Somali government and the Ethiopian forces who oppose the creation of an Islamic state in East Africa. Now, he continued, the group’s focus has turned to the establishment of a universal “caliphate.”
The counterterrorism official further said that the leaders of al-Shabaab in East Africa have traveled to Pakistan to pledge their allegiance in person to Osama Bin Laden in person, who entrusted them with missions in Europe and the United States.
Last Wednesday, Sheikh Shaif Sheikh Ahmed, the president of Somalia’s transitional government, told a crowd gathered at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington that terrorist training camps have been established throughout Somalia and that as many as 1,100 foreign fighters have joined the al-Shabaab movement.
Problems with the Muslim Somalis, who have recently settled within the U.S., came to light when Shriwa Ahmed, a resident of Minneapolis and naturalized American citizen, returned to Somalia for training at an al-Shabaab camp. He became the first known American suicide bomber in October, 2008, when he detonated a car bomb that killed 30 people. Ahmed’s body was returned to Minneapolis for burial, where members of the burgeoning Somali community spoke of him as a “hero” and “martyr.”
In September, a Somali-American from Seattle, Washington joined the rank of holy martyrs by killing 22 peacekeepers in Somalia.
According to FOX News, the American mouthpiece for al-Shabaab is Omar Hammami, a big-eared native of Daphne, Alabama, who now goes by the name Abu Mansour al-Amriki, or simply “The American.” His parents told a TV station in Mobile that their son traveled to Somalia with his wife, lost his passport, and became indoctrinated by al-Shabaab.
A source within Mobile’s Muslim community said that Hammami, after dropping out of college, traveled to Toronto, where he eventually married a Somali woman and became indoctrinated there by a nest of jihadis.
Last week, more problems with the U.S. Somali community came to light last week when a Twin Cities Somali man appeared in federal court on charges of providing support to terrorists and taking part in a conspiracy to “kill, kidnap, maim or injure” people in foreign countries.
A federal grand jury had indicted Salah Osman Ahmed, 26, of Brooklyn Park, and Abdifatah Yusuf Isse, of Seattle, in February, but the indictments remained sealed until Ahmed appeared before Magistrate Judge Susan Richard Nelson on September 28.
Special agent E.K. Wilson confirmed Monday that the indictments of Isse and Ahmed are tied to a major federal investigation into the disappearance of up to 20 local men of Somali descent from the Minneapolis/St. Paul area. The missing men, according to Wilson, appear to have returned to their homeland for training by al-Shabaab
“It is related to the ongoing investigation,” Wilson said of the charges unsealed last week.
The time frame of Isse and Ahmed’s involvement overlaps the period when several of the Twin Cities men disappeared. The first wave of young men to leave Minneapolis for Somalia began in early 2007. A second wave is believed to have left in the late summer and late fall of 2008.
According to the indictment, federal investigators allege the men “provided material support and resources, namely personnel, including themselves, knowing and intending that the material support and resources were to be used in preparation for and to carry out a conspiracy to kill, kidnap, maim or injure persons in a foreign country” from September 2007 through December 2008.
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