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breaking: 2,000 year old holy thorn tree cut down & destroyed in anti christian act. likely culprits, muslims
10 Dec
UK: 2,000-Year-Old Holy Thorn Tree of Glastonbury is Cut Down, Linked Back to Origins of Christianity…


(Daily Mail)- Standing proudly on the side of an English hill, its religious roots go back 2,000 years. But a single night of vandalism has left an ancient site of pilgrimage in splinters.
The Holy Thorn Tree of Glastonbury has been chopped down in what is being seen by some as a deliberately anti-Christian act.
A feature of the skyline surrounding the Somerset town, the tree has been visited by thousands retracing the steps said to have been taken by Joseph of Arimathea, who some say was Jesus’ great uncle.
According to legend, Saint Joseph travelled to the spot after Christ was crucified, taking with him the Holy Grail of Arthurian folklore.
…Yesterday residents of Glastonbury wept as they surveyed the damage done to the tree on Wednesday night. Katherine Gorbing, curator of the town’s abbey, said: ‘The mindless vandals who have hacked down this tree have struck at the heart of Christianity.
‘It is the most significant of all the trees planted here and can be linked back to the origins of Christianity.
I will be following this through the investigation, if it turns out to be misunderstanders of ropma I beleive they will try to bury that news.
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