Green Energy
Finally seeing "United 93"

I don't recall ever being so shaken up by a film, though even watching the History Channel's hour-long special about Flight 11 was a real shake-up when I saw it a week ago. I went to the movie alone, and many others in the audience were similarly alone. Seeing the WTC attacked again had the effect that it should have. I was shaken, but it was an image I wanted to see. I want EVERYONE to see it. And this, of course, was the first time that I've seen in on the big screen. It was even more jarring.
I'm not giving "spoilers", so don't worry, not that there can really be spoilers in a film about United 93, especially with those of us here who have the details forever etched into our memories. One thing that was so interesting to me was the fact that I was in a rather small late afternoon showing of the film, a smaller audience. All made up of the quiet, stoic well-to-do suburbanites whom no one ever expects of being capable of a rant. However, when the passengers realized what was going on, when ground control realized even before that people started crying. OK, that happens in movies. But when the passengers struck back, and when they attacked their first victim amongst the hijackers, audience members started CLAPPING and CHEERING! And in such a small audience! I was with them in this.
What really struck me though was the clapping as the film ended. Then the discussions that sprang up between perfect strangers in a theater! We looked odd, shaking with rage, some crying, all ranting about 9/11 next to the larger audience of Mission Impossible III letting out, but honestly, I was watching the most respectable of citizens saying things like, "They should all be killed" and "We should just bomb them all". This is the 'silent majority' that caused me to start my blog, people! People are suffering their anger in silent indignation, those of us who don't write online or call talk shows or the like. There is an ARMY of Americans who are angered to the point of uncharacteristic violence by the 9/11 attacks STILL. And they SHOULD be.
I'm so thrilled that this film is out and that people are out seeing it and reliving that day. We NEED to see this. We all need to be reminded and not let those who seek to bury 9/11 under heaps of absurd stories like Abu Ghraib and Gitmo Toilet Korans. America needs to wake back up, and this movie is one thing that will help them. They will look online, they will find writers like us. The troops will be mobilized, and we do have elections coming up. My mission has been to mobilize the troops, the civilian troops that is, because I KNOW that they're out there. The calendar is SKEWED, people. Time passed after that horrid day, but it in many ways has remained frozen. Completely. We were thrust into a new mindset, we are at war now, and the calendar had been skewed since 9/11/01. Time has not passed as it normally does.
One last note on the film: all of the Arabic is subtitled except for the prayers. This is my one complaint about the film. Especially towards the end. OK, we all know that I'm a little obsessed with the shahada, and the first part of this is what the hijackers repeat toward the end. They are saying, "There is no god but allah" over and over, and it is not subtitled. So there is my work of subtitling the film. I cannot imagine why this was not done. I don't think that this was the effect, but as a commentator and film critic on NPR stated, the film is "fair to both sides" and doesn't bash the Muslims. HUH? Why are my tax dollars supporting idiots? The film is about four Muslims (not including the other hijackers on the other planes who are not shown) who murder pilots an a stewardess, plan to hit the US Capitol, take out some passengers, all before attempting to kill them all along with themselves and civilians on the ground. "Fair to both sides"?? Nazi Propaganda Radio, sorry, but I really don't think that's how the people exiting the film across America are feeling. They're mad as hell, and with any luck, they'll decide not to take it anymore.
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Green Energy