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Artist Wants Lewd Images Removed From Public Website But Is OK With Kids Seeing Them
From Gateway:
Artist Daryl Vocat wrote in today to demand that his images be removed from this blog. The images were uploaded in the Fistgate IX posting on Wednesday.
The drawings can be seen here at Vocat’s website.
Vocat’s work was published in the book Revolutionary Voices edited by Amy Sonnie and promoted by the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) to children. GLSEN was, of course, founded by Barack Obama’s Safe Schools Czar Kevin Jennings.
The artist obviously has no problem with children viewing the images but is upset that they were posted here for criticism without his permission.
I have taken the images down.
The image showing two men having sex while boy scouts watch can still be seen in the GLSEN promoted children’s book Revolutionary Voices.
Related… David Limbaugh wrote about the Jennings scandal today at Townhall.
Well, he might have gotten to Gateway Pundit, but I'll post the images.
Here they are:
For today’s report we give you another of of GLSEN’s recommended books for 7-12 graders. This one had pictures–
(An illustration about the change from “boy to man,” showing two Boy Scouts pointing at and looking at two adult men engaging in anal sex.)
In Revolutionary Voices – Page 104A work of art shows a Boy Scout giving a salute behind two men kissing passionately.

This book is promoted at the GLSEN website and can be purchased there.Could there really be any logical reason for recommending this book to children? Is this material really suitable for children? Is this supposed to build tolerance? Does this book really belong in our schools? Kevin Jennings thinks so.
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