Green Energy
Flaming hoop jumping, explained
I was always curious about why Palestinian Arab terrorists/policemen spend so much time practicing jumping through flaming hoops:

It finally hit me! It isn't, as I conjectured in February, that the "policemen" were staring a circus to cheer up the poor Palestinian Arab children and alleviate the humanitarian crisis.
But the real answer can be seen in another picture, variants of which have been published many dozens of times (כן ירבו):

Notice the relative sizes of the flaming hoops and the burnt out car window.
Palestinian Arab "police" are pursuing a skill that is very practical and much in demand in the territories: they need to practice quickly jumping out of the windows of flaming cars!
Plo Leaders Tell Own People They’re Not Wanted In New Pali State………
The Elder says: The goal of a “State of Palestine” has nothing – and I mean nothing – to do with helping a single Palestinian Arab who lives outside the borders of such a state, or those who are considered “refugees” by UNRWA within such a...
Mahmoud Abbas Distorts History
The prime minister has slammed Fatah's dictator for his distortion of history in the op-ed the New York Times had the gall to publish: Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu criticized Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas on Tuesday, following...
Today Is "palestinian Independence Day"
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They're Leaving
The Jerusalem Post (via Israelly Cool) reports that thousands of Arabs/Muslims living in Judea/Samaria/Gaza are leaving for other countries, with thousands more requesting to emigrate too: Palestinians are leaving the territories due to the harsh security...
Terrorists Open Up Third Front
They do this by murdering a Yesha resident, and firing at two policemen circa Jerusalem. From Israel National News: A third front in the war was opened within Israel on Thursday with the kidnap/murder of a Samaria resident and shooting of two Border Guard...
Green Energy