Green Energy
For Ron Paul, all it required was a short .."Please get the hell off my side", but STORMFRONT remains there, another Vlaams Belang controversy

The rise of the right within various political movements worldwide CANNOT be denied, and must be opposed ALONG WITH IT'S PARALLEL and equally intolerant ISLAMOFASCIST AGGRESSIONS AND MASS MURDERS.
Ron Paul has been in clear knowledge of his support, endorsement, and contributions from the scum of this planet, STORMFRONT, Don Black, et al, and yet will not reject this.
WHY?This blog has already commented on the kind words Paul had, and has for the John "Fluoride in the water is a commie plot in this WASP nation" Birch Society.
Now well.If you follow all the links we have a mirror image here of the obfuscations, chains of excuses, weaseling explanations and wink, wink nod nod, don't piss on my back and tell me it's raining.
Stormfront's object is (with the Vlaams dancing around the jewish question for their own immigrant reasoning) exactly what Filip Dewinter has called for (he claims it's a bit of poetry, a metaphor). And now in the full light of day, with the most execrable character and organizations imaginable supporting , endorsing , and publicly inking to and donating to a Republican candidate, that candidate and his organization will not even issue a please get away from me.
This man and his racist supporters have no business in the republican party race.
I call on the other candidates to EXCORIATE HIM PUBLICLY
at every single opportunity
especially at every single debate.
The question from the mouth of every other republican candidate
at every single debate should be : "Dr. Paul why haven't you yet repudiated
and rejected
all support and money from Stormfront and their racist cohorts?"
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Green Energy