Green Energy
Forest Fire Jihad

On a recent post of mine about a Christian pastor who is converting Muslims into Christians right and left in the Middle East, an anonymous person left a link to an interesting story (see the story below). And I realized this is a really good example to use when talking to people about jihad.
One of the most common response we get is, "But it's only a handful of extremists. Most Muslims are not terrorists."
I've found a good response to this -- a response that takes them aback and shuts them up, and clearly makes them realize they don't know what the hell is going on -- is to say, "There are many ways to wage jihad. Terrorism is only one of many ways. For example, some are waging jihad by using their oil wealth to build mosques and madrassas all over the free world, and making sure they teach hatred toward the West in those outlets. Some are waging jihad by getting every informative video on Islam banned from YouTube. Some wage it by giving money to charitable foundations that send their money to pay for suicide bombs. Some wage it by sueing anyone who writes anything critical of Islam. And some wage forest fire jihad."
An Australian news source recently published this story. Here is an excerpt from the article:
US intelligence channels earlier this year identified a website calling on Muslims in Australia, the US, Europe and Russia to "start forest fires", claiming "scholars have justified chopping down and burning the infidels' forests when they do the same to our lands".
The website, posted by a group called the Al-Ikhlas Islamic Network, argues in Arabic that lighting fires is an effective form of terrorism justified in Islamic law under the "eye for an eye" doctrine.
The posting — which instructs jihadis to remember "forest jihad" in summer months — says fires cause economic damage and pollution, tie up security agencies and can take months to extinguish so that "this terror will haunt them for an extended period of time".
"Imagine if, after all the losses caused by such an event, a jihadist organisation were to claim responsibility for the forest fires," the website says. "You can hardly begin to imagine the level of fear that would take hold of people in the United States, in Europe, in Russia and in Australia."
Read the whole article here: Islam Group Urges Forest Fire Jihad.
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Green Energy