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Fox News - Gaffney, Spencer, Fatah and Darwish attempt to discuss Islam, Jamaat Al Fuqra, Sharia and CAIR

Fatah, Gaffney, Spencer, Nauert, Darwish
From the Center for Security Policy, February 11:
On Monday, February 10, the Fox News Strategy Room presented an hour-long panel discussion on the 'stealth jihad' called Terror From Within. The Center's Frank Gaffney appeared alongside noted Shariah expert Robert Spencer (Stealth Jihad), Nonie Darwish (Now they Call Me Infidel; Why I Renounced Jihad for America, Israel and the War on Terror), and Tarek Fatah (Chasing A Mirage). The host was Heather Nauert.The panel discusses Shariah Compliant Finance, Muslim Brotherhood front-groups, Lawfare and other issues.
Click the embedded videos to watch.
Terror From Within, Part 1 (14:46)
Terror From Within, Part 2 (11:28)
Terror From Within, Part 3 (16:25)
Terror From Within, Part 4 (17:08)
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