Green Energy
Fox News Special: November 4

this source,Sat., November 4 at 8 p.m. ET
Hosted by E.D. Hill
This weekend, join host E.D. Hill as FOX News examines Obsession: The Threat of Radical Islam.
They are the most vital questions of our time: How deadly is the Islamic terror threat to the world and especially to the United States? Do terrorists really want to destroy our economy, our civilization, our way of life or is this just an exaggeration?
A frightening new documentary by filmmaker Wayne Kopping seeks to answer those questions. Kopping examined reels of Islamic news footage, interviewed former terrorists and obtained undercover footage from the lairs of the terrorists and jihadists.
What he found, is something FOX News believes every American should know.
It's a FOX News special that you can't afford to miss — Obsession: The Threat of Radical Islam, Saturday at 8 p.m. ET[Hat-tip to Nanc for providing the link to this FNC special]
Fighting Dhimmitude
Following on the Fitna piece a day or so ago, a refreshing change of pace. At Dr. Bulldog: Letter to the Editor Regarding Dhimmi Article About ‘Obsession’ DVD An interesting letter sent to the Kalamazoo Gazette: Americans need to wake up and grasp...
Obsession: The Anti-jihad Movement Makes Its First Major Move
Yes, the Anti-Jihad movement is making its first major move, and it has nothing to do with Filip DeWinter, or any European Ethnic Nationalist party, or Pamela, Diana West and their odd ilk. Instead, it is simply this. The Obsession Movie is being distributed...
"watch Obsession" At The Rnc?
From this source: "Watch Obsession" staff will be in St. Paul this week to promote the documentary "Obsession," a film exposing the dire threat of radical Islamic terrorism. Staff will be available for media interviews before and during the Republican...
A Good Place To Put Money
I thought this was a good use of funds. If nothing else, it produced some publicity for a good film. And who knows, maybe one of the democrats actually watched the film. DENVER. A statement of issues and positions provided by the Democratic National Convention...
Cair: No Comment?
Today on Fox News Channel, there was some discussion of the documentary Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against The West, recently released on DVD. The moderator of the discussion stated that CAIR had been invited to participate in the discussion,...
Green Energy