Green Energy
France’s burkha ban sparks violence across Paris after police try to arrest woman for wearing a veil and pregnant woman is attacked for covering her face
Daily Mail:
- Two men put pregnant woman, 21, in hospital – undergoing treatment
- Around 60 people attacked police in Argenteuil, north west of the capital
- Women guilty of wearing niqabs can be fined the equivalent of around £130
Violent clashes have broken out in a Paris suburb after police tried to arrest a Muslim woman for wearing a veil.
It came as two men today put a 21-year-old pregnant woman in hospital for covering her face with a veil on the same council estate.
In what is being viewed as a severe test of France’s burka ban, around 60 people attacked police on Wednesday night in Argenteuil, a commuter town to the north west of the capital.

Clashes: Two women wearing burkas walk through Douai, in northern France.
Violent clashes have broken out in a Paris suburb after police tried to arrest a Muslim woman for wearing a veil (file photo)
Under a law which came into force in 2011, women found guilty of wearing niqabs in public can be fined the equivalent of around £130.
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