Green Energy
France Surrenders again

Now that the Democrats are running the government, we can finally get
some more allies in the War on Terror - hat tip Eric. Viva Francois sKerry!
France Plans to Withdraw Its Special Forces From
Dec. 17 (Bloomberg)
-- France will withdraw 200 members of its special forces deployed in
Afghanistan under U.S. command, French Defense Minister Michele
The commandos were sent to Afghanistan after the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks in New York and Washington as part of the U.S.-led Enduring Freedom operation to destroy al-Qaeda and the
And Afghanistan is supposed to be the "good" war. Speaking of Afghanistan;
Taliban Orders Its Troops To Lay Off the Sodomy The Strategy Page
TOP PHOTO: That’s a moped armed with a 75 mm recoilless cannon, called the ACMA Troupes
Aeról Portées Mle. 56, used by (who else?) the French Military! More at the Strategy Page and Dark Roasted Blend
I Would Have Thought Sarkozy Had More Balls Than This. . .
I'd like to say fine, all you pussies can run. America will stand alone. Then I remember Barack Obama is our President Christian Science Monitor: Osama bin Laden threatens French troops, France announces pullout from Afghanistan France denies any...
BBC: 'Bin Laden' in warning to France after kidnap in Niger Osama Bin Laden has reportedly tied the kidnapping of five French people in Niger to France's treatment of its Muslim minority. An audio message said to have been recorded by the...
Say, Nick, How Do You Really Feel About Obama?
No extra troops to Afghanistan, says Sarkozy France will not send "a single soldier more" to fight the bloody conflict in Afghanistan though troops already deployed as part of the NATO-led coalition will remain...
Good News From The Obamanation
I like this idea. It looks like Obama really does intend to take the war to Pakistan to some limited degree. From Reuters: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States will deploy 4,000 extra troops to train Afghan security forces in a revamp of its Afghan...
Storm Track Appeasement: France Realizes Its At War – Surrender !!
Well, it must be a real war in Afghanistan because the French majority want to surrender to the Taliban. FRENCH troops in Afghanistan suffered one of their worst military defeats since the Algerian war of independence, leaving President Nicolas Sarkozy...
Green Energy