Green Energy
Freedom of Speech

The Ariel Sharon eating a Palestinian baby cartoon (published in The Independent) won cartooon of the Year 2003 (from The Economist). Disgusting by any standards.
I don't recall Israel recalling it's ambassadors to Britain! Or Jews burning flags! But it's ok because it was done by the left (those on the moral high ground, of course) and it wasn't against Muslims it was against Israel /Jews. From a rather (at times) heated discussion over at Pickled Politics
Update: Welcome to all the new Danish visitors! You've got our backing.
Israel’s political leaders mourn ‘great warrior, extraordinary leader’ Ariel Sharon: Israel’s Soldier and Strongman, 1928-2014 From Will at THE OTHER NEWS: Israel’s political leaders mourn ‘great warrior, extraordinary leader’Ariel Sharon:...
UK: Oxford Students Try to Attack Israeli Minister, Man Rushes Stage Screaming "Slaughter the Jews" in Arabic...You know, one would think that if you are going to find a Moderate Muslim anywhere, it would be in a place like Oxford University. From Weasel...
Widening The Debate
Meryl Yourish points to a Jerusalem Post article about a "panel discussion" in London:Informed, honest debate on the Middle East has been stifled because of a fear of being accused of anti-Semitism, according to the participants in a discussion hosted...
More Cartoons
Firstly,about Ahmadenijad. Original from the Jyllands Posten. Secondly, about the Muhammad cartoons. Very curious what the Muslims have done to convince other Muslims of the bad treatment of the Danish population. UPDATE: I have forgotten to put a link...
Busy, Busy, Busy, Are The Islamic Jihadis
Well, what are the Islamic Jihadis up to today? In Australia, they are shooting up churches, causing many to cancel Christmas programs. In Iran, the foreign ministry pulls out the Multiculturalism card, insisting that those who criticize them for Holocaust...
Green Energy