Green Energy

Here's a bumper sticker honoring New York's decision to honor Islam by lighting the Empire State Building Green tonight.
As you are leaving the city, do not turn back, or you very well may turn into a pillar of salt.
If I were New Yorkers, I would sincerely be afraid I would die the pig's death that the Islamofascists wish upon you.
New York's Statist Anti-saline Insanity
The nanny state of New York won't be satisfied until everything in restaurants tastes like hospital food. That's how you'll know it's "healthy". Chefs Call Proposed New York Salt Ban 'Absurd' Updated March 11, 2010...
"Coexist" -- Bumper StickerFrom Jawa: Just click the image and it will take you to a site where you can download the full size PDF version. You can then print your own bumper sticker with it....
Boiling Blood Fire From The Eyes
Put your coffee down. Hide away any sharp instrumentsor firearms. Then read on. . . Gateway Pundit (h/t Christian Soldier) Mysterious Group Buys Building Next to Ground Zero For Mosque Wednesday, December 16, 2009, 11:58 AM Jim Hoft A mysterous Muslim...
Ahmadinejad In Ny: Caught With Lap Dancer
As Bono says, New York is a city which inspires Mid-Life Crises in men:In New York freedom looks like too many choices In New York I found a friend to drown out the other voices Hot as a hairdryer in your face Hot as a handbag and a can of mace In New...
What Has Happened?
Aircraft hits New York building A small plane has crashed into a building in New York City. It happened on the Upper East Side of Manhattan island. TV pictures show flames coming out of the high-rise building. More to follow.
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Green Energy