Green Energy
Fundamental, all right
About 6 weeks ago I finished reading a book called Resurrection Day. An excellent read, it is a first person story. The narrator explains himself as his function as a reporter on the city beat for the Boston Globe unfolds. It is science fiction alternate history which takes place now. The alternate part is this.
In October 1962, things get out of control and we go to nuclear war with the USSR. We are ‘victorious’. But even the four or five cities destroyed here leave in their aftermath, a land made into a near third world place EXCEPT for our armed forces.
I found this entire story very plausible, except for one thing, In the main reporting room of every newspaper, of every TV station, of every radio station, is a govt monitor.
We would NEVER, I thought, put up with that.
Welcome to NEVER?
"Multi-Market Study of Critical Information Needs" That is the name of what this disgusting, truth killing, chilling embrace of information by AUTHORITY is called. Click the link and take a look at the result (a google search of the name of the program in quotes).
I don’t see Edward R Murrow’s, Charles Kuralt’s or even Walter Cronkite’s CBS there.
I don’t see David Brinkley’s, Chet Huntley’s, or John Chancellor’s, or Tom Brokaw’s NBC there.
I don’t see Harry Reasoner’s, Howard K Smith’s, Frank Reynold’s or Peter Jennings’ ABS there.
I don’t see anyone there.
I think if George Bush’s FCC had done this, the search result might look different.
Imagine what Rachel Maddow would have to say.
And that is THE fundamental transformation.
This can be dressed up any way this horrible,unamerican, unconstitutional, attempt to ADD TO THE IRS REPRESSION AND INTIMIDATION process they can dream up but the intent cannot be evaded. NOR THE RESULTS.
We can read the governmentese authoritarian executive self extending words of this power grab which are, in fact , designed to obfuscate and BORE TO DEATH any readers.
BUT MAKE NO MISTAKE, it will ever more polarize this nation. Talk, in fact, will be cut shorter. Tolerance of other views (both ways) will be less. One side will suspect the other of clandestine armed extremism and the that side will suspect the other of wanting what looks like a kindlier, gentler SOVIETSKI SOYUZ, but is in fact a more deadly embrace.
We can read HERE, HERE, HERE and etc all about why this is a bad idea.
Why does it even have to be explained?
'We just want to make sure there a no market barriers to free expression of the news.' THEY SAY

'We just want to to identify whether potential market barriers exist and, if so, whether those barriers affect diversity of media voices.’ THEY SAY
The federal govt, the state govt, local govt all have no business IN A NEWSROOM. They ALREADY grant licenses. If they have a problem, STOP THE LICENSE. No, that authority is not enough, though, … loud convincing dissent continues despite other actions taken for the good of the nation.
As it is I can hardly STAND the idea the 53% of my fellow Americans voted for the man who is authoring all this anti liberty, anti free expression, anti conscience action while telling everyone he is concerned about the middle class. But if this goes on much longer, if the election of 2016 sees a Warren type person elected (Obama has now rebounded to 46% approval …HOW? Based on WHAT?) there is going to be a very heavy levy on the future, the comity, and the political mien in this nation.
The government has told us in this administration they have the right to tell us we have to buy what they say we have to buy IF they levy a tax if you don’t, and SCOTUS EFFING AGREED. All the while Obama told us it wasn’t a tax, and we could keep our product, and what we were buying with it if we didn’t like his product.
Then they had the executive branch institute a thorough ‘vetting’ of 501C charities which sought to allow political donations to enhance free speech in order ensure the public good. 100% of the organizations which saw the imprimatur of the executive branch delay their actions and STILL WAIT are Conservative. Not some, not most, ALL.
Now, … they just want to to identify whether potential market barriers exist and, if so, whether those barriers affect diversity of media voices.
From INSIDE the newsroom.
This administration is a danger to our basic individual freedoms, and all the while each and every action is taken with love for the middle class.
Many of us, and many abroad are now watching how america votes in Nov 2014 and 2016, and the results as they play out over the next 8-16 years are liable to very shocking.
This is not about the politicians anymore. This is not about the cable news stations. This is not about R or D.
This is about the PEOPLE.
Can we uphold what the founders began?
Or is this just another team?
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Green Energy