Green Energy
Further Descent Into Absurdity
(With a
hat tip to
Chuck Thinks Right)
The Catholic University of AmericaHave you seen
this story about Muslim demands at Catholic University? Excerpt:
The Washington, D.C. Office of Human Rights confirmed that it is investigating allegations that Catholic University violated the human rights of Muslim students... by not providing them rooms without Christian symbols for their daily prayers.
...[S]ome Muslim students were particularly offended because they had to meditate in the school’s chapels “and at the cathedral that looms over the entire campus – the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception.”...
Read the rest
Look here, Muslims! Anyone with half a brain knows full well in advance that the institution itself is Roman Catholic and that the
National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception is a prominent feature of the campus. What would Muslims have Catholic University do? Tear down the shine so as not to offend Muslims?
Muslims, if you don't like that religious tone on the campus, go elsewhere. If you don't like the Basilica, don't look at it.
Catholic University has better things to do than dealing with such nonsense from Muslims, who certainly would not tolerate Christians coming to one of their universities and putting up a fuss about Islamic symbols on campus. But the West jumps through hoops when Muslims complain. Usually, that jumping through hoops costs the defendant, the infidel, money, money, money.
Key facts about the above that might not have been adequately covered:
...In fact, not a single Muslim student at Catholic University has signed on to Professor Banzhaf’s complaint and he admitted...that he lodged the complaint against Catholic with the D.C. Office of Human Rights as a concerned individual, not on behalf of any student or group of students....
The professor bringing the legal complaint against Catholic University of America is
John F. Banzhaf III of George Washington University. Banzhaf
is known for the following:
In short, Banzhaf is an attorney who runs personal responsibility out of the courtroom, instead blaming McDonald’s for obesity and cigarette companies for smokers’ lung cancer.
Too bad that the American justice system doesn't impose severe penalties upon attorneys who instigate frivolous legal actions.
Complaint Says Crosses At Catholic School Offensive, Prevent Muslim Prayers
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Catholic University Officials Approve Club To Raise Money For Isis
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Catholic University Installs Foot Baths To Appease Muslims
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Green Energy