Green Energy
Future Member States Watch

TWO Christian men from Turkey went on trial yesterday for allegedly insulting "Turkishness" and inciting religious hatred against Islam.
The trial opened days before a visit to Turkey by Pope Benedict, during which the pontiff is expected to discuss improved religious rights for the country's tiny Christian minority, who complain of discrimination.
Hakan Tastan, 37, and Turan Topal, 46, are accused of making the insults and of inciting hate while allegedly trying to convert other Turks to Christianity.
The men were charged under Turkey's notorious Article 301, which has been used to bring charges against dozens of intellectuals, including the Nobel prize-winner Orhan Pamuk.
The law has been widely condemned for severely limiting free expression and European Union officials have demanded that Turkey change the law as part of its bid to join the EU.
Prosecutors accuse the two of telling possible converts that Islam was "a primitive and fabricated" religion and that Turks would remain "barbarians" as long they remained Muslims.
The pair, who deny the charges, could face up to nine years in jail if convicted.
Come to think of it, if insulting Islam can get you thrown in Jail or at least put on trial, then Turkey really would fit right in with the rest of the EU Dhimmis.
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