Green Energy
Galactic stupidity persists..ready for the last war, ALWAYS
We are seeing the tactics of the coming war against the United States from within the Untied States.
How EASY would it be to smuggle speedboats laden with 6 and 9 foot katyushas, 3 to 5 inches across into the USA?
How easy to put them into 1/2 ton pickups with caps and drive them around?
Are we ready? It's one thing for america to be doing research and deployment for missiles such as the BM-25 and Shahab and Taepedong to shoot down a strategic one shot threat. It's another to have demostrated RIGHT IN FRONT OF US, the use of a low trajectory weapon, meant for civilian casualties, firable by morons with a car battery.

Mobile / Tactical High Energy Laser
(M-THEL) Technology Demonstration Program
Developer: Northrop Grumman Corp.
he fixed-site version Advanced Concept Technology Demonstration (ACTD) Tactical High Energy Laser (THEL) THEL, was developed by TRW Inc. under a $89 million contract. During several tests in the USA, the system has shot down 25 Katyusha rockets, but has not been deployed.
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Tech Toy Update - Here's A Big One That Slipped In Quietly....want To Know What We Are Really Concerned About?
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Military Toy Roundup
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Why Is There No Defense For These Freaking Katyushas? There Is, It Was Cancelled
From Stratepage's email sub: AIR DEFENSE: Lasers Over Lebanon August 8, 2006: Many Israelis are complaining that development of a, laser based anti-missile system, called THEL, which was recently cancelled, could have been used to stop some of the...
Green Energy