Green Energy
Geert Wilders' Fitna Website Taken Down By Network Solutions

Geert Wilders new film is being attacked as a hatecrime by anonymous critics who have convinced his webhost, Network Solutions, to take the site down before the film has even been aired.
I guess he is guilty of "Pre-Crime."
Go read the story over at KleinVerzet.
Remember this; religion, business, and government are institutions of power in society. As such, they MUST be criticized.
If we are not allowed to criticize a seminal center of power like religion, then we are left helpless when religion becomes fascistic.
This is about more than Islam, or Wilders movie. This is our Freedom.
If Network Solutions will not play by the rules of Western Civilization, then Network Solutions should be taken down.
If you would like to contact Network Soltutions, click on this link.
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Green Energy