Green Energy
Gen. Petraeus wears Islamic turban in Afghanistan

Diana West has long maintained a low opinion of Gen. David Petraeus, whom she feels is one of the architects of Arabist/Islamist policies. With this picture worth a thousand words, what else can be said, aside from how he makes himself into a male who wears a Muslim male's type of headwear as a totally unnecessary sign of "respect", but which is more like degradation and definite appeasement, and gives a little more insight into how that degrading "option" was authorized for female soldiers to wear a burka on missions in Afghanistan?
After seeing this, I no longer have any respect for Petraeus, who shouldn't even be wearing what looks like a primitive coat. He doesn't need to wear a military uniform; he could wear a suit and tie, but to wear what may be tribal gear is just as insulting as that headpiece.
Update: and while we're on the subject, Rob Miller's discovered more about just how bad Petraeus and his aides are. This man is not suited to lead the US army, and should resign.
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Green Energy