Green Energy
German Muslims Angry

After all, you can't expect them to put up with everything.
From Little Green Footballs:
Muslims are seething in Germany over a planned stage production of Salman Rushdie’s Satanic Verses—the dreaded unreadable novel of blasphemy.
BERLIN (Reuters) - A German Muslim group said on Friday protests were
likely against the first ever staging of a dramatized version of Salman
Rushdie’s controversial book “The Satanic Verses” in Potsdam near Berlin on
Nurhan Soykan, spokeswoman for the central council of Muslims in
Germany, told Reuters Muslims believed in a free press and freedom of
“BUT even this has its boundaries,” she said. “We’re worried that
provocations and insults against us have increased recently. I wouldn’t want to
ban (the play) BUT you can bet on protests from Muslim people. They can’t be
expected to put up with everything.”
They're perfectly within their rights to cut off the heads of us Infidels and Jews. And, oh yeah, the Buddhists too.
The Rushdie Rule
Daniel Pipes explains: Khomeini ... decreed that British novelist Salman Rushdie be executed on account of the blasphemies in his book The Satanic Verses. With this, Khomeini established the Rushdie Rules, which still remain in place. They hold that whoever...
It Was Twenty Years Ago Today
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Salman Rushdie Knighted
In a big "Fuck You" to the Islamofascists of the world, Salman Rushdie has been Knighted by British Royalty. You are now to refer to him as Sir Salman. But then, I already did. From Agence French Press: LONDON (AFP) — Queen Elizabeth II on Wednesday...
Salman Rushdie Knighted By The Queen!
No, I am not joking. Some really fantastic news Salman Rushdie, who went into hiding under threat of death after an Iranian fatwa, has been knighted by the Queen. His book The Satanic Verses offended Muslims worldwide and a bounty was placed on his...
Muslim Members Of Parliament Call For Rushdie's Police Protection To Be Lifted
Lord Ahmed, the Muslim MP quoted complaining about discrimination against Muslims in the UK, is a rather discriminating person himself, in his own way. In his case, the discrimination he displays looks to be more about whether or not Salman Rushdie ought...
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