Green Energy
Germany's Interior Minister Seeks Ban On Scientology

German official seeks ban on Scientology:
BERLIN - Germany's interior minister called the Church of Scientology "an unconstitutional organization" and said the nation's domestic intelligence agency would move to ban the group, a report said Sunday.
Federal Interior Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble's remarks followed a unanimous decision Friday by interior ministers from Germany's 16 states to seek a ban on Scientology, accused of threatening "the peaceful democratic order" of the country.
"Scientology is an unconstitutional organization," Schaeuble was quoted as saying by the Bild am Sonntag weekly ...
I'm no fan of Scientology, but it seems to me if one is going to start banning religions we ought to start with Islam.
Us White Folks need civilizin' and preparin' before the UFO's and mideast uprisings come to our door. or something. Chicago Tribune: Farrakhan: Mideast uprisings will come to US By Becky Schlikerman Tribune report Nation of Islam leader Minister...
Criticizing Islam Successfully to People Who Don't Want to Hear ItFrom Citizen Warrior (with thanks to Damien): #fullpost { display: inline; } WHEN SOMEONE you're talking to turns against the idea of criticizing Islam, switch to talking about...
Germany Warns Of Imminent Terror Attacks
From the Local: German Interior Minister Thomas de Maizière on Wednesday warned the government had indications Islamists were planning terrorist attacks in Germany later this month. “There is information from our foreign partners that planned attacks...
Fox News Live Shows Severed Mohammed Head
The other day we had the news that a German production of a Mozart opera had been canceled because of a scene which depicted a man showing off the severed head of Mohammed. Apparently, this same production went off without a hitch two years ago. But,...
Storm Track Appeasement: And The Beat Goes On. More European Dhimmitude
From The Gathering Storm "There was a young lady from Niger. Who smiled as she rode on a tiger. After the ride/.She was inside, And the smile was on the face of the tiger." I assume German Interior Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble has never heard that limerick...
Green Energy