Green Energy
Glassman: Seeing Through The Glass Very Darkly
Our leaders are blind. The blind are leading the sleepwalking. And, all the rest of us stand staring in amazement at the spectacle. 
From Hugh Fitzgerald:
“This is an effort that requires credible Muslim voices to work effectively — especially voices of those, like Fadl, born Sayyid Imam al-Sharif, and known as Dr. Fadil, whose story was told recently by Lawrence Wright in the New Yorker. Fadl helped build the Al Qaeda ideology and now repudiates it for its wanton violence.” -- James K. Glassman, under secretary of state for public diplomacy and public affairsHad James K. Glassman read the report on Fadil with attention and understanding, despite Lawrence Wright's attempts to offer his own pollyannish gloss about What A Falling-Out There Was In The Ranks of Al Qaeda, he would have seen just from the quotes from Fadil offered, that Fadil was not abandoning Jihad. (Does anyone actually read anything with attention, or did he just accept an Executive Summary of the piece, or ignore the quotes and accept Wright's misunderstanding of the very evidence he, Wright, presented?) Fadil is all for Jihad. He is simply for Jihad conducted by means other than the terrorism favored by Al Qaeda, because that doesn't work. It simply arouses the Infidels too early.
Read the whole thing.
Al-qaeda Founder Launches Fierce Attack On Osama Bin Laden
From the Telegraph: One of al-Qaeda's founding leaders, Dr Fadl, has begun an ideological revolt against Osama bin Laden, blaming him for "every drop" of blood spilt in Afghanistan and Iraq. Sayyid Imam al-Sharif: The terrorist attacks on September...
The Quality Of Obama's Character
Caroline Glick is one of my favorite experts on Israel and the Middle East. I think her insight into Obama's character is right on the money. Caroline Glick March 18, 2008 [...] ...
Jeremiah Wright's Theological Mentor
Barack Obama has called his Pastor, Jeremiah Wright, his "mentor." So, who is Pastor Wright's theological mentor? It seems clear that it is James Cone. Check this out (from Andrew Bostom's blog): As noted by Spengler in The Asia Times (3/18/08)...
Calling Dr. Phares....war Of Ideas Update: U.s. Still Losing
GERTZ - The State Department's point man for the war of ideas against terrorism testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee last week about the need to develop a better strategy for countering Islamist extremism. James Glassman, the...
Skeletons In Obama's Closet
Power and Control has a roundup of Obama's problems: Here is a round up of the skeletons in Obama's closet. I will be adding links as I find them. Check back. Obama goes to Church. A Black Supremacist Church Ronald Kessler comments on Obama's...
Green Energy