Green Energy
Goodnight, Sweet Prince

Yet another Jihad Media-staged photo-shoot reported by Gateway Pundit. It is rather a lovely death though, isn't it?
Live hard, die young and leave a beautiful corpse. Or, is that live young, and die hard and, uh ... I don't know.
Anyway, it doesn't hurt if your dying scene includes a muscular young man in the requisite wife-beater.
Death be not proud, indeed.

And, of course, it also doesn't hurt if the corpse later resurrects itself and shows up in various unexpected locales.
Now, let's see, what kind of photographer would produce this kind of photojournalism?
Uh, could it be ... ?
Gee, what do you know? A homoerotic death scene photographed by a photographer in a kaffiyeh. Alan Ginsberg could have written volumes.
Read the whole thing at Gateway Pundit.
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Green Energy