Yesterday TIME magazine and writer Tony Karon took Samantha Power's (Cass Sunstein's wife) seemingly campaign timed position that Israel was deserving of sanctions by the US/UN to help the palestinians because they would be an apartheid state by not caving into HAMAS and the PLA, if they were not a bi-national non-jewish one.
Today we have the outright mind boggling lie that the republicans had no serious counterproposal to the kluge-mutated-godzilla monstrosity that is the democratic health plan.
Jim Demint 12 seconds of research
Mitch McConnell 30 seconds of research
So we are to assume Newsweek's one of Newsweek's main writers, one Michael Cohen, cannot do this? Or are we right back at yesterday where a writer's inner compulsions, and need to believe dictate reporting?
But that is only for starters, because like others ready to abandon tradition and constitutional priveledge as their desires for a very different america evaporate as the mind of america encompasses the agenda of this admin, this writer, and NEWSWEEK magazine urges the idea that America (and therefore Americans) is/are ungovernable. Therefore, the filibuster must be broken, and done away with.
Three forces have conspired to prevent President Obama from running the country effectively: congressional Republicans, congressional Democrats, and the American people.
These horrible forces are ruining the PLAN. But one minor point, Cohen, the PEOPLE ARE THE COUNTRY. It's like trying to reach aliens who live inside granite.
Worse still, if these 'news' magazines turn out to be pushing a set of values widely rejected despite ever shriller shrieking, who will buy them?
Who would advertise in such a publication?
If they went out business, it would be unimaginable.
Like, .....
GM going bankrupt or something
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