Green Energy
Guess who's coming to Israel from Ohio?
Joe the Plumber (via Michelle Malkin):
TOLEDO, Ohio: Joe the Plumber is taking on a new job.
The Ohio man, who became famous during the U.S. presidential campaign after asking Barack Obama about his tax plan, is heading to Israel as a war correspondent for a conservative Web site called
Dubbed "Joe the Plumber" by McCain's campaign, Samuel "Joe" Wurzelbacher was held up as an example of an American worker who would be hurt economically by Obama's election.
Wurzelbacher says he'll spend 10 days covering the fighting and explaining why Israeli forces are mounting attacks against Hamas.
He tells WNWO-TV in Toledo that he wants "go over there and let their 'Average Joes' share their story."
Wurzelbacher later joined Republican John McCain on the campaign trail.
At one stop, Wurzelbacher agreed with a McCain supporter who asked if he believed a vote for Obama was a vote for the death of Israel.
Joe is a great man and a great friend indeed.
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Green Energy