Green Energy
Guilty Until Proven Muslim
Bosch Fawstin

That’s the gist of Islam’s position against non-Muslims.
Unbelief in Islam being the single greatest crime of all, and so Infidels are criminals who need to be brought to Islamic justice, by conversion, subjugation or death.
When you hear some rat from CAIR speak about how Islam doesn't condone the killing of innocents, what they mean by innocents are Muslims.
This is the essence of what we’re facing if the enemy is ever allowed to acquire power over us. Seeing what they do when they have no power tells us what they’ll do if they ever get it.
Bosch Fawstin On "deporting" All Muslims
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Calling Islam "islam"
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The Individual
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A World Where The Bad Guy Won
by Bosch Fawstin Mohammed God Away with Murder History tells us that the founder of ‘the religion of peace’ lied, cheated, stole, raped and murdered his way into power. These things are not dark secrets; they are readily available to any who want...
Muslim Roulette
By Bosch Fawstin Islam vs Muslims A is A. Islam is Islam. There is no such thing as ‘Good’ Islam vs ‘Bad’ Islam. Islam is a totalitarian religion, while Muslims are individual human beings who may or may not practice Islam faithfully. I’ve...
Green Energy