Green Energy
Gun Control
The Gunslinger (clickie for biggie)

It's So Hard To Find Good Help These Days. . .
from Christian Soldier: Beyond PRICE-Thanks to One of Our BEST.... Read the following explanation before looking at the picture! Most Syrians struggle to even read Arabic, much less have a clue about reading English. So, how do a group of Syrian protest...
Graf Zeppelin, Memorial Day 1928
The Picture is from Shorpy's. The Idea from Ace. Just a really cool picture. Imagine what it must have been like to see that thing floating over your city. Clickie for really biggie (& when you do, count the number of stars on that flag) ...
Hey! Do These Remind You Of A Certain Beloved Infidel Blogger We All Know?
If you like old (up to 100 years or more) photos like me and you've never been to Shorpy's you should visit there awhile. Even if you've been there before you should probably get back. Just great great old photos. In both pictures clickie...
1934 Chicago Tribune Cartoon
(clickie for biggie) h/t Sword at the Ready...
from The Gunslinger: I love Texas A man seeking to join an West Texas Sheriff 's Department is being interviewed.The Deputy doing the interview says: "Your qualifications all look good, but there is an attitude suitability test that you must take...
Green Energy