Hamas TV Promotes Jihadi Bee Show For Children - YouTube Promotes
Green Energy

Hamas TV Promotes Jihadi Bee Show For Children - YouTube Promotes

We live in a world where major mainstream media corporations are completely morally bankrupt. YouTube bans videos by people like Michelle Malkin, but then they give heavy promotion to Al Jazeera Television's promotion of the Jihadi Bee.

YouTube acts as if they wish that our civilization would cave in on them.

Hey YouTube, it's our civilization which made you motherfuckers rich. Stupid fucks.

Anyway, here's the Jihadi Bee video:

And, here is the Al Jazeera clip which YouTube is giving heavy promotion.

I'm gonna go sit in the backyard with my wife and enjoy a glass of wine. The sky is still blue here in California, and the moon is full and white. I wonder when it's slated to turn blood red.

Oh yeah, and did I forget to say, Fuck You YouTube.

Well, just in case, Fuck You Again!

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