![]() TOM TRENTO'S THOUGHTS (Trento runs WatchObsession.com): My thinking is very simple. A good offense is a great defense. On Saturday, November 22, in a debate with an Imam, I presented a document that challenged Muslims to get past their "stealth vocabulary," and answer questions indicating the degree to which they are willing to assimilate into American life, culture and law. It was clear that this document (Please Help Us) had the unique consequent of shifting the argument from me being on defense to me being on offense. This is a very significant development. (request a copy and I will send it) On Sunday, November 23, Dave Gaubatz of the Mapping Sharia Project, in a show of amazing courage, walked into the 14th Annual CAIR dinner and served CAIR's Executive Director, Nihad Awad with a summons. Let's just say Mr. Awad has had better evenings at Burger King! See story here. On Monday November 24, the Holy Land Defendants were found guilty on all counts, thus handing the Bush administration and all American's a critical legal victory in the war on terror. See story here. In light of these and other factors, I believe that all anti-jihad organizations (and individuals) should review their 2009 plans and include as a tactical priority, the transition from any defensive posture to a full out offensive methodology. Do not waste time "proving" you are not an Islamophobe, instead challenge every Muslim leader of known "stealth" organizations, local and national, to come out in the open and discuss the Muslim Brother Project, in the public square. This was a winning strategy in the Holy Land Foundation Trial and should be the basis of our tactical strategy in 2009. I am going to challenge to a public debate, any and all who criticized Obsession and the distribution of 28 million copies to Americans all over the United States. On many occasions I have been asked to "defend" the award-winning documentary and its massive distribution and I have gladly and successfully done just that. In 2009, I will be going after the critics, naysayers, liars and maybe even a screwball or two. This group also includes many Jewish and Christian leaders who have joined with the islamists, wittingly or unwittingly, and now are part of that group who must defend their views or simply shut-up. In fact, just the other day I challenged the "brain-trust" of Jews On First to a series of formal debates all across America. You see, Jews On First (www.jewsonfirst.org) boast on their web site of having done a "Major Analysis: Rebutting Obsession." After getting a squishy inquiry into what I meant by "debate" (and these are journalists?) and then providing in detail what I meant, I have yet to hear from these brave folks. My guess is that they will do whatever they can to get away from my efforts to drag them into the public square before a live audience. Folks like these like to blog from the basement and not expose themselves to the real world of intellectual challenge and debate. I hope JOF can find the courage to engage, as it will be an educational experience for all. To get the OFFENSE process rolling, in the days ahead, I will formally challenge the Executive Director of CAIR to a public debate on any criticism or complaints he has about the film I promoted all over the Unites States, Obsession, Radical Islam's War Against the West. I know it may be a bit "mean" to go after a guy who just had a "blind Muslim" serve him on stage, but hey, anti-stealth jihad ain't beanbag! So Mr. Nihad Awad, please have your people call my people and we can get the show on the road. If I do not hear from your folks, I will reach out and make contact in the near future. I know there will be those who advise you to ignore me...and I'll go away. But, I'm the guy that was directly involved in the promotion of Obsession and distribution at both political Conventions, so do I look like a person that will "go away?" Nah, I'll be around for a while and I will be challenging you and many of your colleagues to come in the open, in the light of day and properly and professionally debate the merits of Obsession, and all that the film contains. More importantly, I need you to help all Americans understand the criteria by which we can be convinced that this talk about the Muslim Brotherhood, CAIR, and the stealth jihad is crazy talk, having nothing to do with reality. Yes, Its time you stop worrying about the nonsensical concept of Islamophobia and start figuring out how to answer the questions I will be asking. It's time you go on DEFENSE. Question, comments, please contact Tom. |