Green Energy
Happy 4th of July from Italy & Slovakia

Erica Marcato
Zuzana Greganova
Claudia Romani 
Pictures courtesy of
Panorama Magazine I didn't want to be remiss on day like today and forget our Slavic & Italian female allies, with the latter being governed by an inimitable right-wing, infidel like
Silvio Berlusconi!!!
Italy: Libyan immigrant jailed for botched bombingFrom Eye on the World: Italy's first would-be suicide bomber was sentenced to 14 years for detonating a home-made bomb at the military barracks which blew off part if his hand, blinded him and...
Italian PM Berlusconi Compares Ahmadinejad to Hitler...From Weasel Zippers: Ahmahomo takes this as a compliment... (Haaretz)- Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi drew a connecting line yesterday between his visit to the Yad Vashem Holocaust...
Gotta Love Silvio
Diplomacy beckons: Faced with the thorny problem of having no "First Lady" to look after the G8 leaders' spouses on their three day trip to Italy, Silvio Berlusconi has come up with a solution in keeping with his reputation. The Italian prime minister...
The Beginning Of The End Of Islamic Expansion
Italy's Northern League has the right idea: No concessions to Islam. In this case, no new mosques. Here's the story: Italy is fighting a rapidly increasing Muslim presence by introducing a bill to block construction of Islamic mosques and prohibit...
Italians To Present Bill To Stop Mosques Being Built
From Up Pompeii: From the article Italy's Northern League, the populist, xenophobic, sometimes separatist movement that is a key component of Silvio Berlusconi's governing coalition, has proposed new legislation which would in effect halt construction...
Green Energy