Green Energy
Happy Shirk! Um... Merry Kuffar Blasphemy? Joyous Jizya?

"Baby's First Christmas" (?!?) Co-chairwomen pose with a mother and her four children
Apprently these well-to-do-gooder ladies have never heard about "shirk" or the comments of various "muslim clerics" regarding muslims attending celebrations of Christmas or any other non-muslim religious holidays.
To be fair, the event was hosted by a local community health centrer which hosted over 100 families for its annual "Baby's First Christmas" party. Donated food, gifts, $10 gift certificates, and, apparently, jizya, are presented to attendees without regard to religious affiliation.
But, of course, they just HAD to have the official photograph taken with the muslima and her four -- count 'em, four -- little Ummah babies, to show how Politically Correct, Multicultural, and completely ignorant of the realities of Islam they are.
I have a friend in town who moves in the same circles as these ladies. Since 9/11/01 she has been trying to get them to listen about the dangers of Islam. "They just don't want to hear it", she tells me. Of course they don't. You don't get your picture in the local newspaper and a nice blurb about what fine charitable ladies you are by trying to educate people about the jihad.
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Green Energy