Green Energy
Harry's Hysteria
From Human Events:
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid threatened to shut down the nation’s schools via Twitter on Thursday, if his Party’s demands for higher taxes are not met:

The article
explains more.
And they call Michele Bachmann "ditzy." Sheesh.
Looooooooooooooooooosing It. No, Really
This is some really great shit going on nowHuffPo:Harry Reid: Koch Brothers Are ‘About As Un-American As Anyone I Can Imagine’Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) hurled criticism at the Koch brothers on Wednesday, saying the billionaires are...
I. Can't. Stand. It.
There is no way I can take ANY of these idiots seriously again. Egypt. Syria. Iran. North Korean Missile Launch. Fiscal Cliff. Sandy victims still shelterless while Obama readies for 20+ days in Hawaii. And what s the big concern on the Senate floor right...
Maybe They Think Romney Just Won’t Call Them On It On Live Debates
It’s amazing that after the president being embarrassed last night, after the lies about taxes paid by Romney, Harry Reid lights it up and inhales. Are we supposed to begin thinking all they can do is lie? That they see no advantage for themselves in...
Reid Sets up Requirements Declaring a Super-Majority of Senators Will be Needed to Overrule any Regulation Imposed by Death Panels... From Weasel Zippers: Over 200 years of Senate rules out the window courtesy of Harry Reid....We Are No Longer...
Harry Reid And Chris Dodd Serve The Democractic Party And Not This Nation, Except By Chance
In a press conference LIVE NOW..... Harry Reid went out of his way to stick it to John McCain as an interferer when not only was it uncalled for, but partisanship cannot help but make things worse. And I'm not even GETTING to right or...
Green Energy