Green Energy
Hey, It's Your Free Speech - Let's Get It All Out On The Table

A Danish Muslim Organization is posting cartoons which they believe will drive us Infidels into a frenzy. While I'm sure many will be offended, I doubt anyone will go on a rioting, raping, and murder spree.
Even though Dymphna is a fellow Infidel, and could well post this herself, I'm going to post it for her, just in case. Her article on the Hitler/Anne Frank cartoon is too good to let pass:
... the lovely comic depiction of Anne Frank and Hitler’s post-coital conversation that’s been making the blogorounds. This sort of satiric “art” ought to be seen far and wide, along with "Piss Christ" and the Virgin Mary in horse manure and other “avant-garde” philistinism that plagues much of government-subsidized art work.It ought to be seen so that we have a full understanding of what it means to be tolerant. In this case, it means I am free to be offended, and Mr. Serrano is free to work out his problems in public. Click here to read the rest.
Double Standard On Display
Art by Bosch Fawstin The full article Double standard on offending Christians and Muslims (emphases mine):By George Parry In 1987, Andres Serrano submerged a crucifix in a glass of his own urine and took a picture. Entitled “Piss Christ,” the photograph...
Danes Just Makes Fun Of Muslims!
The Danish Attorney General, Henning Fode, has rejected the reporting of Jyllands-Posten being discriminating in the Mohammed cartoon case. The best part was the female spokesman of a Palestinian group in Denmark's response. I recall it as "We were...
American Newspaper Publishes Danish Mohammed Cartoon
While all of us Infidels agree with Baron's post below that we are all now Danes, the truth is, America has not begun to stand with the Danes on the cartoon issue. Honestly, I am ashamed. And, I want to say sorry to our European brothers, but it means...
Calling All Infidels
The Mohammed cartoon thing may be bigger than first planned. There will be an announcement soon. Please keep making submissions for publication at a later date. Draw cartoons, or artistic depictions of Mohammed. You don't need to be mean, or pornographic....
Send A Free E-card To A Family Member Or Friend!
Occasionally I have been reading & posting on the Mohammed Cartoons Discussion Forum. It is evolving slowly (some of the people there post messages that are so long they become tiresome to read-- but there are also some good ones). If you have a few...
Green Energy