You know, the one who DID convince the British and French to act when the Rhineland became German again, in 1936. The war monger. The aggressor. The invader. The occupier.
The one who was responsible for the deaths of thousands killed when the forces of Germans AMONG Germans abortively retreated amidst the great superiority of armor artillery and manpower of the combined British and French armed forces.
The party switching, self aggrandizer whose critics claimed he would use his mother's skin to make himself a drum to sound his own beat and attract attention to himself if he only could.
The one whose obsession with the Germans probably was attributable to his incomplete Gallipoli misadventure.
The one who exaggerated the danger from a downtrodden and defeated nation.
The one who should have been embarrassed when it was found that Germans harbored almost no illegal arms.
The one who lied his way to armed conflict for inexplicable reasons of self gratification.
Am I coming through?
It is the prudent and decisive actions of a few men, at a few moments around which the fulcrum of time pivots. Actions taken or not direct us all onto a path in a very different forest.
Was being seen to be completely in the right worth the deaths of 45 million people, 2 nuclear weapons, and the industrial genocide of an entire people? Would Churchill have been any less in the right under the above actions?
But history today would view him quite differently. Just imagine what Howard Zinn, and Tony Judt and Eric Foner would have to say.
- 40% Of French And Germans See Muslims As National Security Threat
In other words, 40% of French and Germans see reality for what it is. From AFP: Paris - Four in 10 French and German people see Muslims living in their country as a "threat", according to a poll published on Tuesday by French newspaper Le Monde. Forty-two...
- Study Shows Muslims Don't Integrate As Well As Other Non-western Immigrants
Kind of a "no duh", but important to note. From Anonymous: The Open Society Institute (OSI) recently published their study of Muslims in Europe, ". . .The one question in the study that got a lot of attention was "Do you see yourself as [British, French...
- Fukuyama In Error Again...
First in "The End of History and Last Man" he argued that liberal capitalist democracies are the end of history (neglecting the compulsory sine wave of stupidity in humans), then he argued in 1998 that Iraq was the most serious danger we faced since...
- The Vienna Waltz
The Germans are being courted by a new suitor, and his words are sweet music to their ears: BERLIN (Reuters) - Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad told Germans they should no longer allow themselves to be held prisoner by a sense of guilt over the...
- We Have The Un Backwards, Maybe They Are Effective
File this one under history comes full circle. Very recently Der Spiegel pubished an illuminating poll. 45% of Germans think the USA is more dangerous than Iran. 28% feel the other way around. Germans have expressed this before, and ironically in a similar...