Green Energy
Hollywood Is Made Up A Bunch Of Ingrateful Little Pussies - Why Would We Expect Them To Be Warriors In The Cartoon Jihad

No major figure in Hollywood has
ever said a word about the Jihadic murder of filmaker Theo Van Gogh. And, even though Hollywood is a world which is disproportionately high population of Jews, women, and homosexuals, Hollywood, as a body does not acknowledge the threat of Islamofascism.
Hell, I haven't even heard a single Hollywood star, or executive, speak out against Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
They only speak out on things which are safe. You know, where they aren't going to get killed.
Anyway, Dhimmidy Central, as you all know, refused to show Mohammed in last nights South Park episode. Well, screw them then, the bunch of petit pussois. Screw them and the cute little French pony they rode in on.
Hollywood, Obama, And Syria
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Comedy Central developing Jesus Christ cartoon From the Hollywood Reporter:Comedy Central might censor every image of the Prophet Muhammad on "South Park," yet the network is developing a whole animated series around Jesus Christ. As...
Comedy Central Pussed Out
I just watched the much anticipated second episode of South Park's "Cartoon Wars." Last week at the end of the first episode South Park promised/threatened to show a cartoon image of Muhammad. Long story short, Comedy Central caved in, lost its balls...
Flight 93 Movie Trailer
It looks like, maybe, Hollywood didn't screw this one up. Go check it out....
Two Must-see Videos
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Green Energy