Green Energy
Honduran FM Warns Zelaya
Enrique Ortez, interim foreign minister, said Zelaya would be arrested if he came home and that the interim authorities were sure Zelaya had been removed in a legal process.
"We are not negotiating national sovereignty or the presidency," he told Reuters in an interview. "There is no chance at all" of Zelaya coming back to power.
Hat Tip: Tundra TabloidsRelated Links:WSJ explains how Socialist thug Hugo Chavez is at the core of Honduras' problemsZelaya linked to drug traffickingFrom Panama Zelaya attempts to rally his rabble-rousers
EU withdraws some ambassadors
US suspends military cooperation, however, US ambassador to stay put
Massive display of support in Choluteca for MichelettiHonduras acted in a sovereign and legal manner
Honduras Beats Back The Obama/castro/chavez Socialist Onslaught
From Gateway:Honduras Wins!... Castro, Chavez, Obama, Ortega Fail to Prop Leftist Thug Back Into PowerFreedom Wins!... Obama and Marxist Leaders Fail to Reinstate Leftist Thug Zelaya (Michael Ramirez) Despite their best efforts, Barack Obama and regional...
Honduras-nicaragua Border Epicenter
Related Links: Honduran 110th Infantry brigade led by Col. Alcides Flores is patrolling the Nicaraguan-Honduran border at Las Manos Elite military units have closed the border with Nicaragua, no flow of people or vehicles permitted Honduran Armed...
Us Amb. Llorens Betrays America, Talks Falter
Hugo Llorens is stridently and viciously doing everything in his power to bring the socialist tyrant, Mel Zelaya, back to power: El embajador de Estados Unidos en Honduras, Hugo Llorens, apoyaría la restitución del depuesto presidente Manuel Zelaya,...
J'accuse Hugo Llorens
My open letter to the US Ambassador in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, in light of his squalid campaign to have Dr. Enrique Ortez Colindres ousted from his numerous cabinet positions in Honduras: Ambassador Hugo Llorens Embajada de los Estados Unidos de América...
New Honduran President Warns Former Leader He "will Be Sent To Prison" If He Returns - Rumors Venezuela Will Invade
My God, this whole situation is ratcheting up. From the Washington Post: TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras, June 30 -- The newly appointed president of Honduras, Roberto Micheletti, is warning that if ousted president Manuel Zelaya attempts to return here, he will...
Green Energy