Green Energy
Hunk of the Week : Good Friday Special

That's right, Jim Caviezel. He's got the appeal and the infidel credibility as well. Not only is he a devoted Christian, but he also played Jesus Himself in The Passion, reenacting some of the key events in the life of Jesus that are denied by Muslims, the Crucifixion and the Resurrection. It's only in other roles and in pictures like this that we realize just how nice Caviezel can look in images not from The Passion. So for those of you celebrating Christian Easter, here's the Good Friday Special Edition of Hunk of the Week. And we infidel babes are not going to be ashamed of enjoying a little eye candy, regardless of how much anger this causes amonsgt the Muslim men out there. This is the West enjoying itself, get used to it. We like our Babes and Hunks, and that's just the way it is. And oh yeah, Nice.
Infidel Hunk Of The Week
Sorry, Pasto, I don't intend to abuse my posting privileges here and I have no idea who chooses the infidel hunks and hunkettes (of which I disapprove anyway), but this specimen is so far "off" that I HAD to post this to avoid mental flatulence....
New Feature - Infidel Hunk Of The Week
Just to let you know, the female writers we have here are not generally inclined to pick hunks of the week. However, if any reader wants to contribute a hunk of the week post, or just pick a photo to be displayed as the latest Hunk of the Week, we will...
Infidel Hunk Of The Week
This in no way indicates that the Babe must be changed, I just had to change the hunk, folks. And quite a change it is! Far from Jim Caviezel and his devout Catholicism in real life coupled with his portrayal of Christ on the Big Screen, I have now chosen...
Where Is The Outrage : Part Whatever
As the onslaught of shows about Jesus hit the airwaves this Easter Weekend, I couldn't help but wonder where the outrage amongst Muslims can be found in the frequently quite negative portrayals of Jesus (Issa to Muslims). Not many of the shows on...
Infidel Hunk Of The Week
Boy, oh, boy. This is a very nice shot of actor Oded Fehr. Born in Tel Aviv, this Infidel Hunk served in the Israeli Navy and also worked security for Israel's El Al airline before moving to England to train as an actor. The rest is Hollywood history....
Green Energy