Green Energy

Commenter Watcher71 wrote the following:
What I find really frustrating is that the IDF won't let me go (a non Jew) go and fight for them. They Should have a Mossad screened foreign legion....cause my tail would be off there so fast...!
Watcher71 is a half-Jamaican/half-white Brit who loves Israel, and hates the Jihadis. He is not the first non-Jew to have said this to me, and it isn't like the thought hasn't crossed my mind a few times, and I am a non-Jew in my forties with a family. (In other words, I'm not the kind of guy you would expect to think of such "adventure").
I think Israel has a hidden army far larger than they can imagine. I believe there are men and women all over the globe who are just itching to take up arms in this inevitable war.
Am I right, or what?
“the American Stance On An Israeli Strike Has Changed Dramatically Recently”
Washington Free Beacon:Gen. Amos Yadlinsaidin an interview on Israel Army Radio on Wednesday. “The music I’ve been hearing lately from Washington says ‘If this is truly an overriding Israeli security interest, and you think you want to strike,”...
The Bush Administration Wanted Israel To Attack Syria
This, if true, confirms what I thought was going on in the Hizbollah/Israel War. It seemed to me obvious that Bush was doing everything he could to publicly signal to Israel that they had our absolute support in attacking Syria, and possibly even Iran....
How Frenchly Sophisticated ..i Am Such A No Gray Scale Dullard
Remember the story of the bief standoff between the French and Israeli tankers? Here's one reality ...It's Debka .. The south Lebanese village of Merwahin was the stage Thursday, Sept 28 of the first near-showdown between UN and Israeli forces....
More Attention To Israel's Psychological Warfare
Hizbullah's (future) army I have written on numerous occasions before that one of the mistakes Israel has made is that she hasn't paid enough attention to the war of propaganda. Although Israel must, indeed, change her approach / become more...
From Daily Kos
On Wednesday, July 12, 2006, an entry entitled "Imagine a world without Israel" appeared at Daily Kos. The following comment appeared late in the thread: Imagine a world without Radical Islam Women having rights, no killing women for adultery like in...
Green Energy