Green Energy
I Don't Know About You, But I'm Beginning To Doubt the Portland Jihadist Was Set Up By The FBI
Report: Portland Christmas Bomber Was Recruited by al-Qaeda Operative in the US, Not The FBI, Says He Wasn’t The Only One

Portland Christmas Bomber Was in Touch With al-Qaeda in Yemen Operative, Wrote 3 Articles on Violent Jihad For Their Web Magazine
Click on the links to read the whole stories.
Black People Organize In Portland To Make Sure Trader Joe's Doesn't Open Store Because It Will Attract Too Many White People, Want More Welfare Instead
All black people all over the nation should be organizing to protest these ignorant, racist Blackfolk in Portland. This is so scummy. From the Oregonian: The surprise death this week of the Portland Development Commission's deal to bring Trader Joe's...
Two American universities teach journalists how to be even more obsequious and fawning towards Islam and MuslimsThese courses are predicated on the assumption that Muslims and Islam are getting negative press coverage. That is, of course, howlingly...
CNN: Peter King has "strange obsession with Islam"The demonization of Peter King for daring to look into the extent of jihad sympathies and activities among Muslims in the U.S. continues. Here we learn from CNN that he has a "strange obsession with...
Breaking: Feds Arrest Somali-Born Teen in Car Bomb Plot at Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony How come the Feds only nail them in sting operations and leave it to civilians to stop the active real plots? Huh? This is the kind of attack I've...
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Perhaps Brooks William Kelley could provide his own special bomb making articles. Wouldn't that be sweet? The Daily Mail: 'Make a bomb in the kitchen of your Mom': Al Qaeda launches its first online magazine in English Al Qaeda has launched...
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