Green Energy
I have a small question Mr. Obama ..if you wouldn't leave Mr. Wright...

Will you stiff arm Ahmadinejad?
If you won't dispute the anti Americanism IN PERSON with Wright, are you too personable for disputations with Pootey-poot?
If you won't factually obliterate the arguments of Mr. Wright, how will you do when you execute 'talk with anybody' and you have demolish the arguments of Hassan Nasrallah? Qaradawi? Mahathir?
With every thought proceeding after your defense of Mr. Wright, and THAT'S WHAT IT WAS, IT ALL JUST GETS WORSE AND WORSE...
Cabinet Depts Now Have Internal Police Force Which Can Get Search Warrants And Break Down Doors?
Think analytically about this for a moment. What is tomorrow?Education officials break down Stockton man’s doorSTOCKTON, CA - Kenneth Wright does not have a criminal record and he had no reason to believe a S.W.A.T team would be breaking down his door...
Jeremiah Wright, If Nothing Else Stuck On Stupid To Appear At National Press Club
WASHINGTON--The controversial Rev. Jeremiah Wright -- Sen. Barack Obama's pastor -- is speaking Monday at the National Press Club as part of a divinity conference of black church leaders. Wright's decision to headline an event at...
Why Did Obama's Church Honor Farrakhan: From The Jackasses Mouth
Obama says his church honored Farrakhan because of his good works in "the community." Don't believe him (From Richard Cohen at the Washington Post): Barack Obama is a member of Chicago’s Trinity United Church of Christ. Its minister, and Obama’s...
The Quality Of Obama's Character
Caroline Glick is one of my favorite experts on Israel and the Middle East. I think her insight into Obama's character is right on the money. Caroline Glick March 18, 2008 [...] ...
What Did Barack Obama Really Say Today?
Transcript here Barack said: Don't blame me for what Wright says. Wright does really know Jesus. I disagree with him on this, but remain by his side as a pastor. You would too since your, rabbi, priest, pastor says the kind of thing...
Green Energy