Green Energy
Ibrahim Hooper In Drag

I'm not saying he's gay. Let me be clear about that.
Anyway, fellow Infidel blogger, Pim's Ghost, has been boning up on her photoshop skills lately, in hopes of pissing off a bunch of Islamofascists. Check out her newest creation, CAIR's Pervez Ahmad, Omar M Ahmed and Ibrahim Hooper as the nuns from Sound of Music.
"How do you solve a problem like Sharia", indeed.
October 10th: Global Rally For Humanity Declares, "the World Is Saying No To Islam"
And CAIR is crying like bitches, of course. This must be that "Islamophobia" they keep warning us about: In an interview with CBS News, CAIR spokesman Ibrahim Hooper said his organization monitors hate groups regularly, and that the talk surrounding...
Cair Chief Ibrahim Hooper Compares Bill Maher To The “grand Dragon Of The Kkk”
It's pretty funny that MSNBC got Ibrahim Hooper's name wrong throughout. But anyway: ...
Ibrahim Cooper spews bullshit on FOX to the Islamic terror in Boston, Vlad Tepes Blog Counters From Vlad Tepes Blog: I did not remove anything he said, but I did add evidence to the contrary. Also, please read the comments. A few people now...
A Founder Of Cair Resigns
Article from the Detroit News:Saturday, May 9, 2009 Founder Omar Ahmad retires from CAIR Officials of Islamic civil rights group deny links to Hamas Gregg Krupa / The Detroit News A founder of the Council on American Islamic Relations, the nation's...
Scair Tactics And The Cultural Divide
Watch out! CAIR has begun trying to intimidate bloggers. Thank you to Pim's Ghost, from What Would Charles Martel Do? for sending this over: The Council on American Muslim Relations (CAIR) has recently begun agaitations in the section of their organization...
Green Energy