Green Energy
If It Looks Like a Duck. . . Updated at Bottom
My God. All my life, I never recognized the threat for what it was.
Insidious. I’ve lived among them for 47 years and never realized it.
All the men have beards.
The women are covered head to foot. No skin showing but hands and face. And always the dark clothes, no bright colors. Outside of the home they always keep their heads covered.
You never see them smile. Never see them show humor.
No music except their holy music. No rock ‘n roll, bluegrass, jazz, blues. None of it.
You never see them in bars, never see them drink. No carousing. Although they do use the tobacco. No cussing from them either.
And they keep to themselves, very wary of outsiders.
Even amongst themselves they segregate. The women always off to the side, rarely congregating with the men.
The women staying at home to do the cooking, cleaning, housekeeping, child rearing, seldom seen outside without their men.
And the children, raised early to work. When they go to school it’s all grades in one room. And always studying that book.
They follow a very strict adherence to their religious texts. And if you leave the faith none will have anything further to do with you.
No public displays of affection. No hand holding, no kissing, no hugging.
And God forbid you should marry outside the faith.
With their names strange to American ears, they claim no allegiance to our laws, but that they are guided by the laws and teachings of their God, that is what guides them and what they live and breath and work and die by.
And such strict observance of prayer. Faithful to their services at the appointed time. The singing. Chanting. Praying. And always, that book. The one they live by. All they need they say. The word of their God handed down through his earthly messengers.
Yes, I see I’ve been a fool. All these years I’ve been blinded by their taqiyya while living right among them.
The blatant lie that theirs is a peaceful religion. That all they want is to live in peace and be left to themselves, to live as they believe their faith commands them to.
But no more can they fool me.
I see through it all now.
After all, if it looks like a duck, acts like a duck, walks like a duck, it must be a duck.

This was meant to be about appearances. How someone appears to us and our reaction to it, absent any other information beyond the appearance.
Or how someone wants to appear to us, though they may or may not be successful at it.
Or how someone wants us to perceive someone else. For good or for ill.
Muslims want us to think they are peaceful, that they can live among us, follow their own laws without imposing on us. And many do. But clearly, we have seen, a great many can't.
The Amish are a perfect example that it can be done if the people are truly willing to do so. They live peacefully among us but keep themselves separate from out modern trappings.
They largely follow their own moral laws and code. They do contribute to society and certainly the economy (the goods they make and sell) but they ask for and take little or nothing from it. They largely care for their elderly themselves. Unemployment is not a problem. The community takes care of itself without imposing it's beliefs on others.
But also I was thinking about our discussions on ODS. BNP. VB. and so forth.
Just because he has a Muslim name does not a Muslim make.. Just because he has socialist ideas does not make him an America Hating Manchurian candidate bent on the destruction of the United States.
Just because they say they're mainstream, they say they're peaceful, they say they are friends of the Jews doesn't mean it is so. Doesn't mean they aren't really anti-semites. Doesn't mean they aren't racist.
So if someone tells you a man must be Muslim because "he has a beard" remember this post.
Conversely, if someone tells you they are Amish and look and dress the part, yet you see them going to mosque every Friday. . .
I think you get the idea. Maybe it was a clumsy way to go about it but strange things happen when I make notes deep in the night after hitting the Wild Turkey.
One final thing.
Lest anyone think otherwise, I have the deepest respect for The Amish. I don't agree with many of their ideas (pacifism for starters) but they walk the walk if you will. If I had faith as deep and strong as they I could move mountains.
And maybe we could take a bit of a lesson from them. Not necessarily their beliefs or religion, but the way they live their lives. Simply. Off the grid.
When that EMP goes off they are best set to survive the aftermath.
If they could only take up the gun.
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Green Energy