Green Energy
If Nasrallah is more popular, that's THEIR problem
I hear all this whining about 'oh the jews made a mistake in their brusque disproportionate response' because now Nasrallah is more popular.

Exsqueeze me my moronic little friends, but if we do NOTHING he becomes more popular and if we do something he becomes more popular. If we kill him he becomes even MORE popular. If he lives he becomes more popular. That's why HAMAS is elected, and it has nothing to do with us, it has to do with the desires of the muslim peoples for THIS TYPE OF LEADERSHIP and a need for WAR.
Since the time that Islam swallowed cancer to kill a sore throat and joined ancient quranic and hadith based jew hate to western stupid jew hate, and created a new alloy with Sayd Qutb's Maududi like fornicating 'swarm of thighs' west hate, the teaching of Islam has been saturated with hatred of all not islamic. It is a hatred which creates men and women as damaged as if they had be sexually abused as children too young to remember and identify the villains in their lives. From this moment on the popularity and influence of those who espouse evil and murder to redress grievances of a crashed society and a deen unable to cope with modernity was guaranteed.
But that is their problem. And I have little sympathy. By all means adulate murder and murderers as a society.
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