Green Energy
If you saw the National Democratic Party HQ looking like this, WHAT WOULD YOU THINK?

The national office of Egypt’s ruling party this morning.
This is not just some protest.
IMHO, tactically, either Mubarak has the support of the Army which WILL FIRE on the protestors en masse, or he is gone
Strategically, if the stories of the USA training certain protesters how to organize and change the govt (via the internet) are true, WE HAD BETTER BE READY TO GO ALL THE WAY against those who will act against these people LATER, FOR SURE.
Here is what the left thinks of the Muslim Brotherhood.
In terms of peace in the Middle East, of course HAMAS IS the Muslim Brotherhood.
In terms of the goal of the Muslim Brotherhood, it is SHARIAH.
Al Ahzar is to their ‘left’.
THIS is Barack Obama’s test in foreign affairs.
Does the American admin. believe that the plurality to majority of people in Egypt want democratic freedoms but not Islamist govt, and will resist the Muslim Brotherhood (which they think is not totalitarian, anyway)?
Based on what? Where? On what historical back ground?
This conundrum is not the fault of the Obama Admin. This choice was made at the time of the Camp David Agreement, and reinforced by every admin since.
When Washington admonished to avoid foreign entanglements THIS is what he was talking about.
I will say again… if the USA wants to be ‘on the side of the angels’ we had better be prepared to GO ALL THE WAY to defend a democratic result of the revolt.
"W", neocons, you out there?
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Green Energy