Green Energy
I'm so stunned I can hardly get a breath in, quick - call in les francais
In the same day Kofi inveighs against unilateral actions ....UN report: Syria continues to smuggle weapons to Hizbullah
WASHINGTON — The United Nations has reported continued arms smuggling from Syria to Lebanon.
A UN report cited at least 13 incidents of weapons smuggling to Hizbullah in violation of a Security Council resolution. The report said the Lebanese army has failed to stop smuggling along the Syrian border. The incidents included the smuggling of 17 Katyusha-class rockets and improvised explosive devices in southern Lebanon. In another incident, the Lebanese army found seven missiles, three rocket launchers and substantial amounts of ammunition.
"It is plain that there is a need for bilateral assistance to the government to enhance its border security capabilities," UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan said in the Dec. 1 report.
Israel's military has reported that Hizbullah has replenished its weapons arsenal following the war of August 2006.
Military intelligence has concluded that Iran and Syria have replaced or enhanced Hizbullah missile and rocket arsenal in Lebanon.
"Weapons are still flowing to Hizbullah, and the embargo has not been properly implemented," Israeli Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Dan Halutz said on Nov. 28.
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