Green Energy
Imposing The Moslem Dress Code On Infidels
The camel's nose (cultural sensitivity) is inside the tent, so further demands appear.
this source:
Six Flags asks workers not to wear shorts on Muslim Day
It’s Muslim Day at Six Flags Magic Mountain on Saturday and Santa Clarita resident A.J. Jones is curious to know if the park hosted other religious events in the past.
This is Magic Mountain’s first year hosting Muslim Family day. It is far from its first time hosting a religious event, said park spokeswoman Sue Carpenter.
"I think it’s great as long as they open it up to everyone," said Jones, whose friend works at the park.
Jones is concerned the park’s supervisors asked the employees to wear pants Saturday to cover their legs despite the unusually high heat. "I think its kind of strange," Jones said. "It’s been so hot for pants."
But Carpenter said not to worry.
"Out of respect, we request the employees wear their uniform pants, instead of their shorts," Carpenter said. "It is only a request, it is not mandatory."
The Islamic Circle of North America requested the day as a celebration for end of Ramadan....

Just watch. It's a request this time around. But in the future, we can expect a mandatory dress code for infidels when in the presence of Moslems, maybe during all of Ramadan. Watch for that step in Europe first, then here in the United States.
Farfetched? I don't think so. After all, the West has already made dhimmitudinal concessions which were unthinkable just two or three years ago.
By the way, when I ran spellcheck on this posting, the word "Moslems" came up as an error. It isn't.
(Hat Tip to
Islam In Action for the above link)
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Green Energy