Green Energy
In Case You Were Wondering About That Medal
I used to be in the jewelry wholesale business, so I was curious about the expensive bling that BHO received from the Saudi king:

The medal presented by the Saudi king to BHO is the King Adbul Aziz Order of Merit. According to this source, it is awarded:
For meritorious service while in government office, for extraordinary deeds of bravery, and for other deeds of service to the state.
Yahoo! Canada Finance states the following about the medal:
Certified jewelers at Cash4Gold, America's #1 gold buyer direct from the general public, have closely examined photographs of the gift. Assuming the necklace and medallion are crafted of solid 18K gold, the company estimates that the Order of Merit contains as much as $25,000 worth of gold.
Considering that the piece confers Saudi Arabia’s highest honor on President Obama, and that it was bestowed personally by the King on the President as part of an historic and widely reported Presidential visit, the symbolic value of the piece most likely surpasses its melt value. Melt value is the value of the actual precious metal contained in an item and that a refinery can extract and recycle. Melt value does not account for the decorative, artistic, historic, or sentimental value of a given item.
Upon receiving the Order of Merit, President Obama reportedly exclaimed, “"Goodness gracious. That's something there."
According to the Reuter's blog Front Row Washington:
Bush, too, was awarded one on his first visit to the kingdom. It just took the former president seven years — till January 2008 — to visit Saudi Arabia.

We could note that
Obama managed to get his in under five months, at only his second meeting with the king.
But any attempt to make a big deal out of BHO's receiving the medal and bowing a bit to receive it is Obama Derangement Syndrome.
reading: "Here's Your Gift, Mr. President. Please Stick Your Neck Out."
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Green Energy