In the past 3-4 days I’ve managed to PISS OFF BOTH TRUMP AND NON TRUMP
UPDATES BELOWSo what have I learned? I wish I could post the entire twitterfestungamerica, because it was really humorous and aggravating at the same time.
The Trumpers seem to want to call me a neocon Cruzite, and the non Trumpers want to tell me I am not a conservative thus I must report to the inquisition.
The problem REMAINS that every SINGLE candidate is odious to one degree or another over CRITICAL issues, except for the inexperienced Dr. Carson who thinks Joseph actually built Khufu’s construction projects and they are grain silos. But he has no shot anyway except on the 34th ballot
Review ..
Trump - no way out of the KKK fiasco, mishandled at best, pandering to asshole hidden white supremacist votes today at worst. His eminent domain ideas are frightening and he wants to have English libel laws (which formed a part of the BASIC difference between the madre nation and us in 1789). He is RIGHT about the border, and RIGHT about trade which ARE his main issues, but jeeeez. And all this is, of course, providing this is not a pure selling job
Cruz - good on Constitution, pissed off everyone he works with, ok on FP, and so in love with evangelical ideas (i think he’s probably sincere on this-and maybe that’s somewhat frightening) he’d be with Falwell and against Goldwater. Against TPP
Rubio - Right on many FP issues, knows who the bad guys are, and took the Free Trade elevator straight to hell - voted for TPP
These are facts, and the Trumpers and non Trumpers BOTH hate them.
They hate them so much that we have BOTH the #NEVERTRUMP movement which wants a third party, or a second Republican party or some other take the ball and go home movement, and the ‘if Trump’s nomination is stolen’ movement which is basically a stereoisomer of that former group. Each apparently hates the other more than HRC or Bernie.
I’m writing in HANS GRUBER Yippee kay yay
Republican senator: 'I’m out’ if GOP becomes party of David Duke, Donald Trump
Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) on Tuesday vowed to give up on the GOP if Donald Trump wins the party’s presidential nomination.
“Let’s first recognize that the Republican Party is just a tool, as all political parties are,” he told hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe."
“I signed up for the party of [former President] Abraham Lincoln, not the party of David Duke, Donald Trump,” Sasse continued, linking the white nationalist with Trump’s White House run.
“I hope it happens over the course of the next 30 to 60 days that the Republican Party again becomes the party of Abraham Lincoln, limited government and great human potential. I want to celebrate what’s great about America in the Republican Party, but if the Republican Party becomes the party of David Duke [and] Donald Trump, I’m out.”
Sasse then rejected the notion that Trump could evolve into a stronger conservative.
“I don’t that this guy has any more core principles than a Kardashian marriage,” he said. "Do any of you think Donald Trump has any core values? I don’t think it’s conceivable."
- Mark Levin Doesn't See Through Michelle Fields?
Really? From this source: I’ve backed Cruz, and I’m going to continue to back Cruz, but here’s what I’m going to do. As a result of what the Trump supporters have attempted here, particularly Roger Stone, I am not voting for Donald Trump. Period....
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This would be HHHUUGGGE! BREAKING: Trump is the apparent winner in Missouri GOP primary #Decision2016 #PrimaryDay— NBC News (@NBCNews) March 16, 2016 Oh yeah, and by the way, THIS! Former House Speaker...
- The Gope Is Getting Desperate
From Erick Erickson: Time to Prepare the Exit StrategyIt is time for Republicans to seriously consider an exit strategy as they grapple with the rise of Trump. It may be necessary for men and women of principle within the party to set the self-detonation...
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In Their Sties With All Their Backing They Don't Care What Goes On Around Proving ONCE AGAIN why Conservatives have come to hate the Republican Party (and increasingly want it to die a quick, painful death) the GOP is preparing to attempt to...